Florida is a true paradise for beach lovers, with more than 1,300 miles of coastline, each offering a unique and distinct experience. From the tranquil and serene beaches of the Keys to the vibrant and lively beaches of South Florida, there is something for everyone. The Space Coast is also a great destination for beach-goers, with its wide and packed sand beaches perfect for biking or watching surfers and rocket launches.
Whether you’re a Floridian or a visitor, there are certain luxuries that come with being in Florida. With its expansive coastline, you’re never too far from the ocean no matter which part of the state you’re in. The winters are typically warm and refreshing, and the abundance of locally caught seafood and homegrown citrus make for a delicious culinary experience.
Florida is also home to the Everglades, which is the largest sub-tropical wilderness in the United States. This unique landscape is home to a variety of rare and endangered species, including the manatee, American crocodile, and the elusive Florida panther.
For more than 100 years, spring training baseball has been a beloved pastime for Floridians and visitors alike. With teams in 12 cities across the state, there are plenty of opportunities to catch a game and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Hawaii is a truly unique and isolated island chain, located over 2,000 miles away from the nearest landfall. This splendid isolation has allowed the Polynesian islands to develop their own distinct culture and identity, separate from the rest of the world.
The Hawaiian Islands consist of eight major islands and 124 minor islands, reefs, and shoals, spanning over 1,500 miles in the Pacific. Each of the major islands has its own unique identity and character, ranging from the bustling city of Oahu to the serene beauty of Maui and the vastness of the Big Island. To the Hawaiians, the land is like a mother and is referred to as “aina”, which means “that which feeds”. The islands are much more than just a place to visit; they are a part of the people who inhabit them.
Tourism is a major source of income for Hawaii, with approximately 7 million people visiting each year and spending over 10 billion dollars on average (excluding airfares). The Hawaiian Islands have only two seasons, “summer” between May and October and “winter” between October and April. So, visitors can enjoy the beautiful tropical climate all year round.

Nashville, also known as Music City, is a hub of creativity, with endless opportunities to explore and discover. There is something for everyone, from music and the arts to food, sports, and shopping.
Visitors are sure to find an “only in Nashville” experience that is truly inspiring. Music City is filled with fun attractions that tell unique stories about Nashville and leave a lasting impression on all who visit.
There’s never a shortage of things to do, with live music, professional sports, art exhibits, festivals, and more happening all year round. Nashville’s soundtrack is like no other city in the world. It’s a mix of music’s past, present, and future, with country, bluegrass, rock, pop, Americana, gospel, classical, jazz, and blues all blending together in perfect harmony.
The city’s love for music is infectious and can be felt everywhere you go. Nashville is all about having a good time, and visitors can do so safely while enjoying all that the city has to offer. With its lively music scene and vibrant culture, Nashville is a destination that should be on everyone’s bucket list.